Contact the Elderly is the only national charity which aims to alleviate acute loneliness among isolated, older people, aged 75 and over, who live alone without nearby family or friends.
Supported by a network of volunteers, the charity organises free monthly Sunday afternoon tea parties for small groups of older people within local communities across England, Scotland and Wales.
One Sunday a month, each older guest is collected from their home by a volunteer driver and accompanied to a volunteer host’s home for an afternoon of tea, chat and friendship. The group is warmly welcomed by a different host each month, but the drivers remain the same, which means that over the months and years acquaintances turn into friends and loneliness is replaced by companionship.
Our tea parties are a real lifeline of friendship for our older guests and bring people of all ages together. Through the gatherings, fulfilling friendships and support networks develop, and everyone involved has something to look forward to each month.
If you would like to know more about volunteering for Contact the Elderly please visit our website or call Freephone 0800 716543
Contact the Elderly is a registered charity in England and Wales (1146149) and in Scotland (SC039377). Company Number (07869142) Registered office: 15 Henrietta Street, London WC2E 8QG.
Partner Website: https://www.contact-the-elderly.org.uk/London Concert Choir concerts: