London Concert Choir greatly appreciates the support of members of the audience – especially those who are regular followers and who encourage others to attend. However, we can only continue to plan concerts at major venues with professional performers of the required calibre if we receive financial support from sources other than ticket sales.
There are 3 financial levels of support to LCC: Friends, Companions and Patrons.
Friend of LCC
Becoming a Friend costs £5/month via direct debit or £60 annual payment.
Visit lcc.gd/f to set up a direct debit.
Companion of LCC
A Companion costs £20/month via direct debit or £240 annual payment.
Visit lcc.gd/c to set up a direct debit.
Patron of LCC
A Patron costs £50/monthly via direct debit or £600 annual payment.
Visit lcc.gd/p to set up a direct debit.
These financial tiers enable you to support the choir on a regular basis. We give our Friends, Companions & Patrons advance notice of all our concerts, invitations to occasional special events, notation in our concert programmes and depending on the level of support - free concert tickets. Supporters are welcome to join us on tours abroad and to attend rehearsals, particularly those that incorporate a pre-performance talk.
If you would like more details on how to join any of the above tiers we would love to hear from you. Please contact supporters@londonconcertchoir.org
Donate to the Choir
If you prefer to give a one-off donation to LCC you can via online banking:
LCC Sort Code: 40-52-40
Account No: 00018215
Reference: Your Last Name/Donation
Every donation, large and small, makes a huge difference to the future of the choir.
You may give securely by credit or debit card via Paypal.
Your gift will support us in reaching new singers and new audiences.
Boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 you donate. Gift Aid is reclaimed from HMRC by the choir from the tax you pay for the current tax year.
For a Gift Aid form, please click here.
Legacy Giving
If you are thinking of investing in our musical future by remembering the Choir in your Will please contact chairman@londonconcertchoir.org for suggestions as to the appropriate wording to use.
Corporate Giving
The Choir welcomes support from corporate bodies, through both sponsorship and programme advertising. If you are interested in supporting the Choir and would like more details, we would very much like to hear from you. Please contact us by sending an email for the attention of chairman@londonconcertchoir.org
In return for a suitable donation there will be the offer of publicity in the programme, complimentary tickets and hospitality for selected concerts.